Hyper Achievements
Many people already knows how to do both of these hyper herder and hyper harvester achievements. Well for some of you that haven't done this, here is the easiest way to do it.
The best way to do Hyper Herder III is when you just wake up in the morning when all your animals are ready to be collected. You will need the amount of animals on picture above to be ready for collecting and 18 chicken feed ready in your barn. After you've collected all your animals. Make sure you feed all your 18 chickens again because you will need to collect it again 20 minutes later. So after 20 minutes you will have collected a total of 66 animal products. The reason why you need to do this in the morning is because once you collect one of your animal, the time counter on the achievement will start. So morning is when the time counter gets reset and with all your animals being ready, it makes it even more easier to complete this achievement. Also in the morning you usually have empty slots in your roadside shop. So if your barn can't hold them, just dunk them at your shop.
Second one is Hyper Harvester III. This is even easier to do. Same procedure, morning when all your crops are ready to be harvested and naturally the time & counter are reset. You need about 40'ish fields full of ready crops just to make sure to harvest all of them at once. Re-plant wheat on all your 40+ fields and keep harvesting them till you get 200 fields. It should be doable within a 20mins frame if you keep on watching them. So the more field you have the sooner you can complete it. As for excess crops that make your silo full, again dunk them in your shop that's usually empty when you wake up. If you're super active then 30+ fields are ok too. But that's going to be close with the time limit.

Hay Day achievements was google play joins
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