This is by far the hardest achievement to get. I want to be honest, I did it a long time ago when they gave a free 3 day trial for Tom. But ever since they applied the voucher system on the boat, I started to experiment on my own how to make these orders less painful to do. As far as I know the boat order seem to be randomly generated based on the amount of items in your barn and silo. Almost similar to the patron request. When you look at the hard order, it always asks you for stuff that you have the least amount of. And you end up with a disastrous request like below.
So I'm going to share you my tricks to at least reduce this 'mission impossible' task. Now I'm going to show you what I mean by using picture below.

And as I mentioned before in Patronage Achievement post, I always make sure that my wheat is highest amount in my silo. You may notice that my sugar is also high. That's why I'm screwed with regards to sugar, because often I get sugars order for my boat. But either way, the setup I have makes it rather easy to complete orders.

I say this again that these order are RANDOM so your setup might not always work. These are factors that will help you to get a good random order:
1. Your level is not too high. The reason being is that the higher level u get, the more items are participating in the random order draft. So the least amount of items you unlock, the better chance you can get a good order. Provided of course that you arrange your items inside the barn and silo in a good setup.
2. Wait and stack up rare items before you do any boat order if you intend to get the achievement. So yes, you have to let go dozens of boat orders to be ready to begin your 12 consecutive boat order marathon. So those items such as jam, juice, cake, rare pie, ice cream. If you keep doing orders when these rare item are in low amount, you certainly will enter the devil circle. It will keep asking the same thing. So make sure those item are in mediocre numbers compare to non rare other items.
3. Obvious, you need to have adequate space in your barn and silo for this stock up business. Having enough space plays a very important role in Hay Day.
4. Put the most abundance items at the lowest amount. Those items that you can easily find every time you flip the brochure. For example, chili popcorn, hamburger, cornbread, grill tomatoes, egg, bacon and egg, etc
5. Another useful trick is to get one of your crop in unusually low amount. That way it tricks the random system to choose it. We know crops are abundant in the market. Whichever crops you want to choose depends on your budget.
As you can see it is tedious without Tom. But if you only intend to search easy order for voucher then this tactic will certainly help because you can skip whichever painful order that pops up.
Why does my boat only have 12 slots? I've seen others and they have 16 slots. Please help :)
I think it may depend on how many friends you have, the more friends the more slots, I'm not sure on that it's just my opinion. But I have a question about boat orders, if I push help and others fill all my orders but the boat leaves while I'm not playing will I still get the reward even if I don't push the boat pic that sends it off?
Is that so? Do you know how much friend I need to get 16 slots?
I think as long as the boat is full, we will get the ticket. Cmiiw :)
Hi there, the amount of slot in boat order is depend on the type of order, not your friends or your level. Unlike road shop slot that is influence by the amount of friends. Regardless what level I am, till now I got variation of boat order quantity. And yes, ticket will still be earn even though you didn't press the button to dispatch the boat.
I would like to add that the more item you've unlock the more variety of order you will get.
What if u did not complete ur boat order on time? What happen den?
Then you will not recieve the voucher and extra xp. My sugestion is, not to fill any hard order ex. Jam, juice, sugar, etc until u r absolutely certain that u can fulfill them in time so u dont waste valuable resources.
We established that the boat order is random, can we predict the quantity of the order as well. For example, we know the next 3 items are wheat, blue sweater, butter... do we know a pattern of how many of each do we need? I'm still at level 22 and reading this so hoping for people with higher level to advise me. I'm also playing with 2 iPads and find it help a little bit bouncing back and forth... plus keep the cost down on buying storage space.
All orders are fix already. Meaning, is already determine whic item they pair with and the quantity . The result however which is the voucher are change. So meaning the same exact order sometime will not give the same voucher color. It seem the developer rotate the result since the patch. And it seem they keep making a new fix order and rotate result to make it more random.
Hi there, so would you have the Boat Order Quantity somewhere so I can see. If you don't then I will start collecting the data and share it with you. I find myself usually under or over the quantities of the boat order. Even when I play with 2 iPads, I still find myself short on duck tape, and nails (for both accounts). Even though the survey said that the rarest item is plank and bolt. I have so much of those that some instance I have to dump on the newspaper as much as 5 at a time.
Unfortunately I stop doing boat order long time ago already, even with the new achievement, I rarely does it. As for tool rarity, every person have different drop rate on them. On my personal experience, I always have 200+ plank, 200+ nail, 200+ bolt, and I keep getting them compare to other tool that I have less amount of. So my theory is that the more I have, the higher chance of the drop rate of these tools for me. I think in hay day the probability drop rate is influence by the quantity of the item in my storage. I've done few experiment that show that tendency. Perhaps this info could be useful. Goodluck.
I've completed 3 boat orders so far but my wheels are still not showing up??? Any clues to why???
Thanks xx
I have also completed a number of boat orders but my wheel still shows zero. Did I do something wrong?
I have also completed three boats without wheels points!
I have completed two full loads ang a partial my boat is showing zero and I did not have money or wheels added. Why
Me too....I saw 25 wheels fly off and still reads zero
April 12th - I'm working on Captain III and I still have 0 wheels showing!!!
wheel points are added if you have alot of time left before the boat goes off, those are bonus points. if you wait full 16 hours then you will not get any (i think?)
I have this situation: if I have to put 3 X things on the boat but I have 4, and I need the extra one. Why the boat take 4?? How can I state the amount??
How come when I try to fill a boat order for someone else it won't let me. It acts like I don't have the resources but I know I do. It will need four brown sugar I have eight but it tells me I don't have it. I like the game but don't understand why its doing this!! Please help!
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