Orange Voucher become harder? 17/12/2012
After hunting for orange vouchers, I finally got all 3 horses types on my farm. Using the same method, hiring Tom for 10 days. But this time I had difficulty finding orange vouchers even though I've been doing jewellery quests and metal quests non stop. After 3 days of using Tom, I finally got my first orange voucher from these quests.. I manage to get my pinto horse in 1 week because I still had 5 orange vouchers that I got before the update. So I only needed to find 4 more. Does this mean the developers changed the quest probability? Lowering the orange voucher quest to pop up? Too bad this time I can't recount the probability because my vouchers had already piled up from the previous time(click here for my voucher probability post). Everything mixed up already.
But I did notice a change in the jewellery quests. Instead of the usual 2 necklaces that is needed for a delivery, I found another necklace quest that need 3 of it instead. And it seems this 3 necklaces request has the highest chance to get orange vouchers. At least that's how I got the rest of orange vouchers for my palomino and pinto horse.
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