Market watch 03 Dec 2012
After almost 3 weeks since the update I see changes on the market. The newly added items have made a significant impact on what people put up for sale nowadays. Fruits such as raspberry and blackberry sell like hotcakes while before advertisments of these fruits spammed the brochure almost every 5 minutes. These new cake, drink and muffins made them stars over night. Bushes became a hit! Especially the life of these coffee, raspberry and blueberry bushes becomes shorter which is 3x collecting. On the other hand, the need for axes has increased dramatically. When I try to buy axes, it just seem they don't exist. Players are frantically tapping that axe advertisement trying to buy it like there is no tomorrow. Massive chopping bushes trend. Horror theme come to my mind, Jason the mask is in the house! It has become a phenomena nowadays.
The relentless search for the new expansion's items has made me go back to my hardcore mode. Camping the brochure day and night as much as I can. On that process naturally I tend to level faster, spend obscene amounts of coin spontaneously on various items but also make money from it. I've got so much certificate/deed from my own farm, I'm practically drowning in it. The other 2 are rare to me. While doing all this expansion hunt, I notice that more and more people put their barn/silo tools on sale. Because many people are focusing on land expansion, they have little space left and throw their tools to the market to make more room. As soon as I notice this, I switch gears to hunt for these tools instead. I decided this based on my true need. Atm I haven't completed my expansions but I'm already satisfied that I got space to put my machines, bushes and trees. So a full expansion is just for aesthetic value, I can put more decor. With new items being added, 2k storage seems to be getting insufficient. Not every player needs expansions because some still have plenty of space. But most players constantly need more storage space. With comparison of 17 expansion slots that need merely 459 items in total compare to both storage that need 9234 items in total. People will complete the land expansion faster and it's clear to me that my storage remains as a top priority. And lately I find it rather 'easy' to obtain them and manage to expand both of my storages a few times. Well 'easy' of course is an understatement considering I'm competing with some of world fastest shopper in my district. What I mean about my district is that I have assumption that not all player in this game open the same page 54 advertising on the brochure. Like every 200 players have their own brochure jurisdiction. Of course this is only my assumption on how the brochure works. So using this market opportunity my goal is clearly set to expand my barn and silo instead of my farm land.
Wow...really cool advices and collections! Am just wonder if you can give some information such as How long does it takes to unlock each machine when we bought it home?! Because I've joined a contest that they asked the above question and....nobody remembers that!
Unfortunately I forgot exactly how long, but the lower level machines range from 5 mins to 10 hrs, medium level machines starting from lv 30 ish takes 11hours to 16hours. The higher level ones takes more then 1 day to open.
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