The Death of Coin
Beneath the serene beauty of my farm lies my disappointment and concern. As I have gotten pretty much everything I want, the reason why I write this post is not because I want to complain how hard it is to get these luxury item in HD. But I'm focusing on the real problem which is how my coins have become more and more devalued over the course of time. As of today my blog has around 50,000 views, it's astonishing how many HD players are out there. According to Facebook HD has more than 1,000,000 users. Say I take half of that 1 million users and make it 500,000 users only. And let's assume in bare minimum that these 500k users sell a merely 2,000 coins worth of item in the road shop in 1 whole day. That makes 100 million coins being traded just from the road shop. And that's not including coins earned from delivery quests. So inside Hay Day, there could be billions of coins are being generated everyday! On the other hand I count the amount of coins that I spend on my farm in overestimation since I don't know exactly how much the item price for some 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on.
Yes of course, there are still tool or land expansion expenses that I didn't include in the above calculation. But the truth is spending 5,000 coins on tools in 1 day is considered a very lucky catch for me. And the fact that these tools are so rare, meaning my spending on them daily is insignificant compared to my daily income. So for say I earn 10,000 a day, roughly I can achieve 1 million coin in 3 months. And as I play my heart out since the game release makes this 1 million coin in 3 months goal seem like running a 100 meters distant in super slow motion. Maybe that's why I see so many neighbor and followers stop playing. As they probably reach the end of the line with their coins.
As the new currency of vouchers takes on a bigger role in HD, the fate of my coins is that they become devalued because the game gives me so little option to spend my coins on. As the vouchers are now needed for decorations (which was my only salvation for my coins), the coin devaluation got worse. This condition is against what I see as the HD principal goal and not what this game is all about. This game allows me to trade all I want, buy, shop, do everything I can without the use of energy limit like other farm game. It's a massive trading game and that entire system is what got me hooked. The main core and objective of the game is to produce billions of coins. Yet after waiting for several updates I see no improvement on the value of my coins, my HD lost it's purpose. It's so different when I was low level, the game provided so much fun, because not everything is affordable. I had reason to keep on playing, to earn, to be able to buy with my coins. In a nut shell, my coin spending is my motivation and the factor that determines the longevity of this game. Now this fun feeling has slowly diminished as HD has lost its way to me. In the long term this devaluation of coins will hinder even the most dedicated players out there to keep on playing. In the end of the day it's not orange/purple/blue vouchers items that are the most valuable for me. It still is my precious poor coins. Is this how the Hay Day end game works? And how many people are like me?
I enjoy your blog and the super information that it offers. I am relatively new to this game, but I like it and have spent the past couple if months as a daily player. I was a bit disheartened with this post... I can't help but wonder if you are having a hard time leaving it. Maybe if you set up a container garden in your backyard/balcony, it may help you.
In the end it is today, and forever will be a game. Somewhere that we visit to take a break, but not altogether important. I wish you well. Thanks for the incredible detail.
The reason why I wrote this post is because I've played the game for a long time already and have tremendously enjoyed it. But that also means I should be critical about the game, the mechanisms and the future.
It's not because I get frustrated with the game that I post this, or that it's my life, but because I care about it and wish to share my views with the players or perhaps even a developer.
Like what I described in this post might be seen as a bit gloomy, but it is something that I feel people should know, so they know what to expect. Or for example in the case of a developer, they might read something that is new information to them.
If it was just something that I think only affects me, I wouldn't have posted it. But I think it will have an influence on most people.
Oh, and don't worry, I'm not getting frustrated with the game. I have other activities in life that I enjoy as well and although a nice activity, hay day still remains a game.
I find the vouchers I incredibly frustrating and difficult to collect. I am only level 32 but it has already hindered so many things I would like to buy. I still cannot get a cat or horse because I cannot find enough pink vouchers - or enough of any of the vouchers honestly. Annoying. And I am not going to spend my few diamonds on decorations either. Stupid.
I agree with you, I have nearly a million coins and everything I want that coins are needed for. I have in the past purchased diamonds, but cannot afford to keep doing this. I have piles of vouchers but never seem to find gold, it takes weeks of playing to get one gold if I am lucky. I have seen people say they get gold all the time, not me! I love the game but am now just using up the last of my diamonds before I close the game down, I will miss it and hope something else as good but less costly comes along. How many levels are there? I am up to 59 and have played daily for months.
100 levels... I understand the devaluation of gold but how would you solve this problem? The developers can't make a nearly unlimited number of items to buy. Trading coins for vouchers seems reasonable, but will end up costing the developers real cash. No real solution to this issue.
I agree with the coin system. I only started playing recently, but have been playing many other games. You need a sink for those coins...for instance make an option to buy certain disposables, or make extra spins on the wheel also available with coins. Not everything should be bought by coins because the developers also rely on the diamond sales to keep the game going. But introducing a money sink based on a gambling system would help...maybe have little external games like some other games do. You can have your horses race against other and the you have to pay a fee to enter, the winning horse gets either the money, or some collectible trophy...just an idea.
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Good sharing
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